The 7 Dogs That Drive Their Owners Crazy

The 7 Dogs That Drive Their Owners Crazy

Dogs are man’s best friend for a variety of reasons. They are always happy to see us. They are loving and loyal too. There are seven types of dogs that can drive their owners crazy. Keep in mind that not all dogs fall into these categories, and every dog is different. If you have a problem dog, please consult with a professional trainer to help you deal with the situation. Do you have a dog that drives you crazy? If so, you are not alone. In this blog post, we will talk about each of these dogs and provide some tips for dealing with them.

7 Aggressive Dogs that Keep their owners Worried all the Time 

Wolf Hybrid Dogs

Wolf Hybrid Dogs

Wolf hybrid dogs are a cross between a domestic dog and a wild wolf. They are not considered to be purebreds, but they do have some characteristics that make them stand out from other dogs. Wolf hybrids are usually very loyal and protective of their owners, but they can also be very aggressive and territorial. If you are thinking about getting a wolf hybrid, it is important to do your research and make sure you are prepared to handle this type of dog.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog that was originally bred in Africa to hunt lions. Today, they are still used as hunting dogs, but they can also make great pets. However, they can be a real pain for their owners. Ridgebacks are known for being very independent and stubborn. They are also very strong and athletic, which can make them difficult to handle. If you’re not prepared to deal with a strong and independent dog, then the Rhodesian Ridgeback is probably not the right breed for you.

Dogo Argentino

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is a large dog,it is white in color. This is a well-built dog and very muscular. This dog was originally bred in Argentina. The main purpose was hunting puma and boar. The Dogo Argentino is an intelligent and fearless breed that is loyal to its family but can be aggressive toward strangers, making it a difficult dog to own.

Some people ask whether Dogo Argentinos are good with children. While the Dogo Argentino is typically good with children, it should always be supervised around them to ensure the child’s safety. The Dogo Argentino is a powerful dog and can easily knock down a small child.



The Boerboel is a large and powerful dog that was originally bred in South Africa. These dogs are incredibly strong and can be very aggressive if not properly trained and socialized. They are also known to be extremely protective of their families and homes, which can make them a handful for their owners.

Basenji African Dog Breed Lay down on the Bed


The Basenji is a dog that hails from Africa and is known for being very independent. This dog does not like to be left alone, and will often bark or howl when its owner leaves it alone. Additionally, the Basenji protects the family and home well, and will often bark at strangers.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard is a large dog breed that is known for its rescue work in the Alps. However, these dogs are also known for being a real pain in the neck to their owners. They are extremely droopy and slobbery, which can make them extremely messy. They are also very large and require a lot of exercises, which can be difficult for some people to provide.

 American bulldog

American Bulldog

American Bulldog

The American Bulldog is a very large breed of dog that can weigh up to 130 pounds. They are also extremely muscular and have very strong jaws. American Bulldogs are known for being very aggressive and territorial. They are also not afraid to attack other animals or people. This breed is not for the faint of heart!

The Qualities of a Dog that Puts an Owner Under Stress

1. The Barking Dog

Does your dog bark incessantly, no matter what you do to try to stop it? Dogs that bark excessively can be a real pain for their owners. If you live in an apartment or condo, your neighbors may start to complain about the noise. If you have young children, they may be scared of the dog’s constant barking. And if you are trying to sleep, the noise can be incredibly frustrating.

You some things you can do to try to reduce your dog’s barking. Try training them with positive reinforcement – rewards for good behavior. You can also try using a citronella collar, which will spray a harmless mist whenever the dog barks. Finally, make sure that your dog is getting enough exercise – a tired dog is less likely to bark excessively.

2. The Chewing Dog

Does your dog love to chew on everything in sight – your shoes, furniture, walls, etc.? Dogs that chew excessively can be a real pain for their owners. Not only can chewing damage your belongings, but it can also be dangerous for your dog if they ingest something it shouldn’t.

For reducing your dog’s chewing you may try giving them plenty of chew toys to keep them occupied.

 Bitter apple spray may be sprinkled on certain items to keep the dog away from chewing. Make sure that they are given good exercise.

3. The Digging Dog

Does your dog love to dig holes in your yard, no matter how much you scold them? Dogs that dig excessively can be a real pain for their owners. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also damage your landscaping. And if your dog digs deep enough, it may even escape from your yard!

There are a few things you can do to try to reduce your dog’s digging. Try training them with positive reinforcement – rewards for good behavior. You can also try filling in the holes with sand or rocks.

4. The Escape Artist

The escape artist is a dog that is always looking for a way to run away. They may dig holes under fences, jump over fences, or even chew through leashes. If you have an escape artist, it is important to keep them safe by keeping them in a secure area when they are not being supervised.

5. The Leash-Pulling Dog

Does your dog always seem to be pulling on the leash when you take them for a walk? Dogs that pull excessively on their leash can be a real pain for their owners. Not only is it frustrating to constantly be pulled along, but it can also be dangerous if the dog gets loose.

There are a few things you can do to try to reduce your dog’s leash-pulling. Try training them with positive reinforcement – rewards for good behavior. You can also try using a harness instead of a collar.

6. The Yapping Dog

Does your dog always seem to be yapping, no matter how much you tell them to be quiet? Dogs that bark excessively can be a real pain for their owners. Not only is the noise annoying, but it can also be disruptive to your life and your sleep schedule.

There are a few things you can do to try to reduce your dog’s barking. Try training them with positive reinforcement – rewards for good behavior. You can also try using a citronella collar, which will spray a mist of citronella oil when the dog barks.

7. The Shedding Dog

Does it seem like your dog is always shedding, no matter how often you brush them? Dogs that shed excessively can be a real pain for their owners. Not only is the shedding itself annoying, but it can also be difficult to keep your home clean and free of hair.

There are a few things you can do to try to reduce your dog’s shedding. Try brushing them regularly with a good-quality brush. You can also try using a de-shedding shampoo when you think it is time for that.

8. The Hyper Dog

The hyper dog is always on the go and never seems to tire. They are always bouncing off the walls and running around like crazy. This can be extremely frustrating for their owners who just want a moment of peace and quiet. If you have a hyper dog, you know that it is nearly impossible to get them to sit still for more than a few minutes. They are always full of energy and seem to be constantly in motion. Owners having large yards or ranches can have the best from these dogs.

9. The Stubborn Dog

The Stubborn Dog is the one that never wants to listen. They always want to do things their way and are resistant to change. This can be frustrating for owners who are trying to train their dogs or just trying to get them to listen in general. Dogs like this often need a lot of patience and consistency from their owners in order to learn what is expected of them.

10. The Fearful Dog

The Fearful Dog is the one that is always afraid of everything. They may be afraid of other dogs, people, noises, or even just unfamiliar situations. This can make it difficult for owners to take their dogs out in public or even just leave them home alone. Dogs like this often need a lot of exposure.

11. The Separation Anxiety Dog

The separation anxiety dog is the one that can’t stand to be away from its owner for even a minute. They will follow them around everywhere they go and start to freak out if they are left alone. This can be a real pain for owners who just want to have a moment to themselves.

12. The Destructive Dog

The destructive dog is the one who loves to chew on everything in sight. Furniture, shoes, clothes, you name it, and they will destroy it. This can be a real pain for their owners, who have to constantly worry about their belongings being ruined. Destructive dogs may also startle easily, which can lead to them accidentally injuring themselves or others.

13. The Aggressive Dog

The aggressive dog is one that is always on the lookout for a fight. They may bark and lunge at other dogs or people, and they can be very dangerous. If you have an aggressive dog, it is important to keep them under control at all times and never let them off its leash in public.


What are some of the things that can drive dog owners crazy?

There are many things that can drive dog owners crazy, but some of the most common include: barking, digging, chewing, jumping, and escaping.

What are some of the best ways to deal with these behaviors?

Some of the best ways to deal with these behaviors include obedience training, behavior modification, and providing plenty of exercises.

What should you do if you think your dog is driving you crazy?

If you think your dog is driving you crazy, the best thing to do is to consult with a professional trainer or behaviorist. They will be able to help you identify the cause of the problem and come up with a plan to address it.


Dogs are wonderful companions, but they can also be a real pain in the neck! If you are having trouble with your dog, it is important to consult with a professional to find out how to best deal with the problem. Remember, Dogs are not perfect, but they are always worth the effort!

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