There are several health risks of putting your dog on a raw food diet. Therefore, you are going to need to think about all of the pros and cons of the diet of raw foods for your dog before you decide if it is going to be the best thing for them or not.
The reason for giving a raw diet is that you are going to be able to know exactly what your pet is going to be eating. This means that you are going to know all of the ingredients that are inside the dog food. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about any of the recalls if you were buying commercial dog food. A raw diet might have some contaminants in it. This means that your dog is going to be put at risk for a variety of different diseases. Some of these diseases might include E. coli and Salmonella.
image credit Flexpetz
BonesThe first one of the health risks of raw dog food is that there is a chance of an impacted bone. This means that when the dog is chewing on the bones from the meat that you are going to give him, there is a chance that the dog could swallow some of the smaller fragments of the bone. The fragments can gather inside the intestines of the dog, so they are not going to be able to pass their stools properly.
Oral injuriesThe second one of the health risks of raw dog food is that the dog might end up with an oral injury like a fractured tooth. This is something else that is going to happen when the dog eats a lot of the bones inside of the raw meat. This is because the edges of the bones are going to be very sharp, so they are going to cur the gums of your dog and even their tongue. Therefore, it can cause a lot of serious damage to the mouth of the dog. This means that the dog is going to be in distress so they might lose their appetite.
ChokingThe third one of the health risks, when you are looking at raw dog food pros and cons, is that there is a chance of the dog getting choked on the bones inside of the meat. This is going to happen if the dogs are not able to properly chew up all of the bones. This can cause your dog to have problems breathing, and it might even cause them to vomit. Because this problem can be life-threatening to the dog, you are going to need to get them treatment as soon as possible.
Natural All of the ingredients that are going to be inside of the dog food are going to be all-natural. This means that you are not going to have to be concerned about some of the preservatives that are inside of commercial dog food. Therefore, the raw diet is going to be a healthier alternative that you are going to want to try for your pet. Vitamins The fourth health risk is that the dog could develop a vitamin deficiency. This is because it is going to be harder for the dog to get all of the vitamins and minerals that they need in their diet from the raw food. Regular dog food is going to be packed with all of the vitamins and minerals that are needed for the dog to have a healthy life. When the dog is not getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals, then it can lead the dog to have a serious illness.
Fat The fifth one of the health risks that you will need to think about when you are asking if can dogs eat raw meat is that there is a chance that your dog could end up with pancreatitis. This is because of some of the fat that is inside the bones. It is going to be harder for the dogs to digest the fat. Some of the symptoms that you will need to look for are a loss of appetite and vomiting. Therefore, your dog is probably going to get dehydrated, so they are going to need to get to the vet as soon as possible.
We can say that it is very expensive to pay for the raw meat that your dog is going to be eating. Plus the vegetables can be very time-consuming to make sure that they are digestible for your dog. Furthermore,the feeding is going to be a lot more difficult because it is going to be complicated. This is especially true if you are travelling with your dog or if you are leaving your pet with a babysitter. This is because it is going to be harder to process the food correctly when you are traveling if it is a long trip. Plus the babysitter might not know how to properly ground up and process the raw foods that you have given them to feed your dogs is noteworthy to mention that our blog also has a feature “Feeding Dog Raw Diet on a Budget-What Should You Know?” Raw dog food is costly so it is a guide to lessen your cost involvement.
You should definitely think of all of the pros and cons of a raw diet.